Nothing huge to report when it comes to funny business, because in all seriousness it was a very serious day. I'm currently engaging in National Novel Writing Month's (NaNoWriMo's) Script Frenzy. 100 pages. 30 days. one script. one awesome person. Well, hopefully...
I got started a day late for newspaper reasons, but I cranked out a good 6 pages today, which basically made up for it. Good for me. And we're off!Also just finished watching Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution on ABC. I am massively supportive of this TV show and what it stands for. My mom made my lunch for me everyday growing up and I ate healthy as a result. But more importantly, now that I'm an adult I'm aware of what it means to do that. I hope people tune in or at least take the message to heart and do what they can to get their friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, whatever eating properly. It isn't that hard to cook with raw ingredients. Here's a video to take a look at... Jamie doing what he does best: http://www.jamieoliver.com/about/jamie-oliver-videos/ministry-of-food-sizzling-beef... and exercise couldn't hurt the equation either. Spring is here! Even taking a walk each night could be a nice little thing. Not everyone has to join a gym. Or grab a basketball, kickball, baseball, volleyball, whatever, and get outside and moving. Working out isn't always about machines. It's about movement. ... and now, your moment of hearty laughter, to shake off those moments of drudgery!!
Yes! Go Jana, promoting physical activity and a healthy diet!! :) I hear this is a great show, I will definitely have to start watching it! Way to go on the 6 pages too!