I have two epic wins this week... you know, personally.
First, I just found out I'm an award winner in this year's Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) Better Newspapers Contest for Michigan. I'm fairly certain it's for sports columnist, but I don't know for sure... we don't find out what we won until we get to the banquet. I mean, this is a fairly big deal. I've won a few Michigan Press Association awards, but this is my first SPJ and it's pretty exciting. Only four people in our Heritage Newspaper cluster won something. So huzzah for me! HUZZAH! Oh, Mitch Albom will be there too, most likely for the same award but in the higher circulation category. He writes for the Detroit Free Press, and I, well, don't. My second epic win is that I am successfully on track for Script Frenzy 2010. I'm finding it WAYYYYYY easier than normal NaNoWriMo because, like, novels have description and stuff. Not to say that I don't like description, I do. But dialogue is easier for me and always has been. I officially have 16 pages under my belt, which puts me exactly on schedule. I am winning this thing that is hard and stuff.
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