Anchorman was the best lovechild to ever come out of the Will Ferrell/Adam McKay partnership IMO. You might not have known that studios were even considering making an Anchorman 2, and that's part of the reason why Paramount pulled out of the project. McKay is spouting off on Twitter about it, clearly bereaved. Here's the thing, as a cult follower and admirer of everything that is Ron Burgundy, I would no doubt see this in theaters. The first film made just under $90 million, so if they can make the sequel cheap enough it could be worth it. I have a feeling, however, that Anchorman was just another funny comedy and that they aren't as hyped about the characters as I am. Maybe someone else will pick it up, who knows. Until then, I'll continue to live my life while reusing phrases such as "you're a dirty pirate hooker," "arggghhh, they killed baxter" and "it's so hot! milk was a bad choice!"
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