(Don't read if you haven't watched the finale yet)
Ok so... there seems to be some confusion with many people about what sideways world REALLY is? As in, is it happy purgatory for everyone? Or just Jack's? Or Jack's and everyone's respectively? Who/how did they arrange this purgatory meeting place? So after reading many, many comments in the past 30 minutes... this is my best stab at WHAT IT ALL MEANS...They did NOT all die in the original plane crash like some are being led to believe. As far as I'm concerned, all characters who died on the show died exactly how we saw. Those characters that we did not see die (aka Sawyer, Jack, Hurley, Desmond, Ben, Claire, etc.) died at later times. Presumably, Hurley and Ben had a wonderful reign together on the island (aka "dude, you were a great No. 2... hurley you were a great No. 1") and somehow Hurley harnessed his Jacob powers to organize this entire afterlife meeting place. Ajira flight probably made it back.Jack died there next to Vincent (omg really lost creators? you had to throw the dog at me?), and like everyone else he experienced the life he believed he should have had without the island until someone was able to show him his real life. As the primary believer in science over God, it makes sense that he was the last survivor to come to terms with his death and his status in purgatory before moving on. Basically this series comes down to helping one another and relationships with one another. They needed each other to survive in life and they needed one another in death as well.I liked it. More commentary to come. Kimmel just came on.
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