The above photo was taken at the casa de madre. It is a photo of one of the first snows one winter, with all that fluffy white stuff covering up the golf course she lives on.
This is not a particularly large amount of snow, for Michigan standards. A few inches at best, and we're used to that. In fact, I'm pretty sure we've already had over 27 inches or so this winter alone. Because, you know, it's Michigan.Whelp, tomorrow evening and into Wednesday afternoon, weather reports are spouting off obscene numbers. At first, it was 10 inches. Oh my, everyone said, 10 inches, wow. Then it became 12 inches.Goodness, everyone said, that's an awful lot of snow. I'd hate to have to do all the shoveling in the driveway.Then, in the latest report, it was stated that the metro Detroit/Ann Arbor area could get as much as 17 inches of snow. OHHHHH MYYYY GOOODDDDD, everyone said, WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE!I recently started following Pure Michigan on Twitter, because, well, I live in Michigan... and I like the outdoors... and I liked Tim Allen's Pure Michigan campaign commercial even more. But all day they've been talking about the snowpocolypse... and news sources (mine included) are actually asking people if they've taken the time to fill up their gas tanks, charge their cell phones, and stock up on bread and mustard (you know, the staples)... and friends and family are worried about being buried alive in white, fluffy stuff. Usually when we get winter storm advisories, I scoff. Because this is Michigan. It snows. Michigan does not discriminate against the months of fall and spring, either. It will snow occasionally during those months. I also scoff because it never, NEVER snows as much as the dear old weather man predicts. In this particular case, I only have one reason to be worried for people. Usually when it snows a lot throughout the day it doesn't matter because salt trucks and snow plows are constantly making the rounds. Sure the back roads can get tough and you might have to drive 30 mph in a 50-mph zone, but it's totally manageable. The difference between that and this is that a lot of this snowfall is going to take place during the night... so it will have time to pile up. I'm sure plows will be out late at night and uber early in the morning, but keep in mind that our road commission cut back on snow plows this year. That means it takes longer for the plows to reach all major roads, plus fewer people working during the late shift, and they hardly ever touch the "non major" ones. That's a real problem, especially when there aren't any cars on the roads to sort of even things out. So, if 17 inches of snow is what we actually end up getting between sundown on Tuesday and nooner on Wednesdays, then, yeah, it's A LOT...Luckily for me, Wednesdays are my day off. So I'm not really at any danger of missing something terribly important. I will likely do what I do on every Wednesday, which is get up at 9 a.m., drink my coffee, eat a biscotti, stay in my pajamas, read a book, and have a Netflix marathon. That means the worst-case scenario for me is losing power, because it would mean A) no Netflix, and B) emergency bonfires in the kitchen to keep my cats from freezing to death. Here's hoping I don't have to break out the kitchen matches.Cheers.
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