Whelp, there they are... this week's groceries. The first day of my brown bag project begins tomorrow and I had to do my grocery shopping today. That meant planning this week's lunch and dinner menus with preparation and leftovers in mind. It's going to be delicious and scrumdiddlyumptious.
Today was also my first opportunity to deal with the desire to do nothing on a Sunday--something I'm sure I'll battle on more than one occasion in the future. And then there was the blizzard that hit us... no big deal. So I trekked to my car and uncovered it from a foot of snow, thawed my door (yes, it was ACTUALLY frozen shut), and rolled to my local grocery store. I also sacrificed 25 minutes of Nanny McPhee to accomplish said shopping.
I did save my receipt, so I'll attempt to calculate the price value of my lunches, grocery-wise, so I can tell if all this delicious labor is actually saving me money.
Of course, there's still work to be done and prep cooking to do for the week. So until tomorrow, cheers!
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